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 Queen of Heart '99

Don't think that only club memmbers can beat each other up for no apparent reason, though. Aside from drop out housewife criminals, we also have not one, but two Japanese idol singers. And one of their super attacks is running up and, of course, singing at the other one.

And if one idol sings to the other one...

I suddenly realized that that image was mostly text and all in Japanese. So if you sat and watched the whole thing, JOKE IS YOU. Now let's see how long and boring I can make this thing.


Evk wants me to say that he paid something like $50 for this game, and he himself can't play it. Despite my best intentions, he's just shit out of luck. Let's all have a big laugh at his expense.


That felt good.

There are also robots. With rabbit ears. Beause, of course, robots all have rabbit ears. And are generally either very creepy or uh, overconcerned? Well as the next shot shows, they love to make people look like big fucking freaks. Yeah, I went out and said it. Everyone was thinking it anyway.

The other chick obviously fell out of FF Tactics or lost her nose in a horrible boating accident. Maybe it was the same accident that let her shoot lightning out of her head, and gave her the ability to make people look at incredibly boring memories.


Oh yeah, like half of the people have an alternate outfit to make them look uglier, creepier, or at very least have a different name. Like Kotone becomes TRUE HEROINE KOTONE!!^_^, the only difference being, I swear, a slight blue ring around her on the select screen.

HOLI SHIT!11 And uh, oh yeah. The werewolf chick gets a new special attack which is basically running up, saying "I KILL YOU!" and ripping their heart out! Whee!

And there is a magician and super hero chick who have SUPER TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE ALTERNATE UNIFORMS. And because I'm a big loser, I took time to make that into an animated screenshot.


This is hardly long and boring enough to be a WrexSoul article... uh. So.... They all have boobs. No wait, some are too young. Uh,........... I'm trying too hard. Nothing can save this and make it funny. Blame yourself or God.

Right, that's what this article needs- more VG jokes/references. And at least one hacked screenshot. With boobs.

Man, they say idle hands are the devil's workshop? Well this must be proof of that- no just god could concieve such a thing. I didn't even do this to one of the CUTE ones. I know I'm going to hell for this. Speaking of which,

I don't talk to BELMONTS.

I think that's just about right.

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Written by WrexSoul and posted on 10-20-01.
This article is ©2000 Zach Francks.

Salamando's Stove is all a big ol' ©1999-2000 Zach Francks and Nick Hammer.